Monday, January 24, 2011

Cheapest Place to Buy Enfamil Nutramigen Online

I don't have to tell you how expensive baby formula can get. Especially if your child has acid reflux, like mine does. Then the normal stuff won't do, you have to get the special brands, which, of course, cost way more. Our doctor told us we needed to get the Enfamil Nutramigen brand. The cheapest I could find it for at any of my local grocery stores was $26.74(after sales tax) for a 12.6 ounce can. After going through a couple of these cans in a week or so, I figured I better find a cheaper alternative..quick.

Unlike some other products, you won't find extreme deals on baby formula, but hey, every bit helps. After searching all the leading sites, once again, seems to have the best prices. When I purchased some last week, I found 6 for $116.99 delivered. That is a savings of $43.45 for the 6 cans. Not to shabby. Click the link below to find the current best deals on Amazon..sometimes 6 cans can get as low as $99 on there..grab as many as you can!

Total savings on deal = $43.35